Our morning services start at 10.30 am, with all ages joining together for the first part. As you come in, you will be greeted at the door, you can then turn left or right to enter the church. You'll receive a notice sheet with all the week's main notices including news of forthcoming events.
For the first half hour or so, we have a time of worship together when we sing, pray, and hear a short talk which will be suitable for both children and adults.
The words for the songs are projected onto a big screen, but if you prefer, songbooks are also available.
The notices for the week will be announced and children receive birthday cards if their birthday is coming up soon.
An offering is then taken - as Christians we believe that it pleases God to give a worthy proportion of our income to the work of the church. If you are visiting, please don't feel obliged to place anything in the bags that will be passed around. You can simply pass the offering bag onto the next person.
There will be a reading from the Bible, after which the minister will then give a sermon (talk) based on this reading.
Sunday School
The younger church will then leave for Sunday School classes after offering.
Children aged 3-7 go the 'Primary' class, and those aged 8-11 go the 'Juniors'.
The youth stay for a little while longer before going out to the 'Squash' (ages 11-13) and 'Fellowship' (ages 14-17) classes.
There is also a creche for babies and toddlers during the morning service, which is staffed by experienced helpers, so that parents are free to worship whilst their children play. Parents may go out with the children and they will also be able to listen to sermon through loud speakers.
Communion will be held in the morning on every 1st week. This is a time when we remember Jesus' death on the cross by sharing bread and wine. This sacrament is open to all who know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. If you are not in that position, please feel free to let the bread and wine pass by to the next person without any fear of embarrassment.
The service will then conclude with a final hymn and a blessing from the minister.
Sometimes, the whole congregation will be asked to say together the words of 'the grace':
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Evermore. Amen."
Refreshments are available after the service in the hall to the right - please join us for tea and coffee and a chat. We'd love to get to know you!
For the first half hour or so, we have a time of worship together when we sing, pray, and hear a short talk which will be suitable for both children and adults.
The words for the songs are projected onto a big screen, but if you prefer, songbooks are also available.
The notices for the week will be announced and children receive birthday cards if their birthday is coming up soon.
An offering is then taken - as Christians we believe that it pleases God to give a worthy proportion of our income to the work of the church. If you are visiting, please don't feel obliged to place anything in the bags that will be passed around. You can simply pass the offering bag onto the next person.
There will be a reading from the Bible, after which the minister will then give a sermon (talk) based on this reading.
Sunday School
The younger church will then leave for Sunday School classes after offering.
Children aged 3-7 go the 'Primary' class, and those aged 8-11 go the 'Juniors'.
The youth stay for a little while longer before going out to the 'Squash' (ages 11-13) and 'Fellowship' (ages 14-17) classes.
There is also a creche for babies and toddlers during the morning service, which is staffed by experienced helpers, so that parents are free to worship whilst their children play. Parents may go out with the children and they will also be able to listen to sermon through loud speakers.
Communion will be held in the morning on every 1st week. This is a time when we remember Jesus' death on the cross by sharing bread and wine. This sacrament is open to all who know Jesus as Lord and Saviour. If you are not in that position, please feel free to let the bread and wine pass by to the next person without any fear of embarrassment.
The service will then conclude with a final hymn and a blessing from the minister.
Sometimes, the whole congregation will be asked to say together the words of 'the grace':
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Evermore. Amen."
Refreshments are available after the service in the hall to the right - please join us for tea and coffee and a chat. We'd love to get to know you!
Find AND CHAT with US.
Ashurst Drive Baptist Church
Ashurst Drive, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6QH, UK |
TEL: 020 8554 7488
Copyright 2016 © Ashurst Drive Baptist Church, Ashurst Drive, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6QH, Registered charity no. 1141907