There are many activities happening at Ashurst Drive Baptist Church for Children, youth and adult.
adbc pre-schoolAshurst Drive Baptist Church Pre-School is an independent organisation registered with and inspected by OFSTED. It is also a member of the Redbridge Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership. The pre-school is church-owned and aims to make all children feel valued and special, working within a framework which ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families. The preschool welcomes children of all cultures and faiths and provides care and education for young children between the ages of 2 years 3 month to 4 years of age or until starting school reception.
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The Ashurst Drive Baptist Church Pre-school celebrated its 50th Anniversary in June 2019.
tiddlywinks'Tiddlywinks' is a busy, lively, welcoming multicultural group for toddlers (under 5's) and their carers.
Mums, dads, carers, grandparents, friends, toddlers and babies are all welcome. The entrance fee is £1.50 per family, which includes juice, tea/ coffee, biscuits and fruit. Our regular activities include: small toys, play-dough, craft, balls, bikes, cars, larger toys, singing time, puppet time, birthday slot, etc. Read more. |
BADMINTON CLUBWe would be delighted for you to join our weekly badminton club held in the main hall (ages 18+). Whatever your standard, you would be most welcome to come and play and have a friendly chat over refreshments.
Every Tuesday evening, 7.45-10.00 pm (there is a small entry fee) |
KEEP FIT CLUBThe keep fit class meets on Mondays in the main hall from 7.00 to 8.00pm during school terms. We do gentle exercise following a video. The cost is 50p per week, which includes a cold drink. All are welcome!
FRIENDS OF SIGNPOSTAs part of ADBC's involvement with people in the community, we have a financial counselling service called 'Friends of Signpost'.
For further details, please contact Mrs Toks Okeniyi using the form here: |